
No amount of pretty lighting or fancy backdrop can make this book look less battered and bruised than it is. But, its scars show just how well loved ‘The One Thing‘ has been by me and my family. It’s provided some valuable lessons to me personally and to everyone I know who has read it, and I’d definitely recommend it to you if you want to see extraordinary results in your life… which I suppose is most people.

There’s so many great things I could share from this book, but my affinity towards goal setting and achieving urges me to tell you of one fact that blew my mind. Did you know that people who write down their goals are 39.5% more likely to achieve them? I’d say that’s a pretty good reason to get them on paper. But, what’s more, is that people who write their goals on paper and send progress reports to friends are 76.7% more likely to achieve them. WOAH!

I’m all for anything that will help me keep on track with my goals, but part of me just wants to call my planner my ‘friend’ so that I don’t need to hunt an accountability partner down 🙂 But, alas, the research doesn’t lie, and so I’m making it my mission this week to find a goal accountability partner.

Do you have a goals accountability partner already? If not, I can be yours! Let me know how your goal progress is going by commenting on the post or even writing me an email. Or, if this already works for you, I’d love to hear any wisdom you may have on the matter, too!

Until next time,
Jordan x

Jordan Gor